I know, I know. It's a little ridiculous how excited I was about a year ago to start this blog. I spent a lot of time planning it and had big aspirations to blog frequently. Well, here I am a year later with only a couple of posts on this blog. I really have no excuses of why I couldn't keep up with my blog except for pure lack of motivation to do so.
In the past year I have accomplished so much. Last year at this time I was still three semesters away from graduating. I can happily announce that three weeks ago I walked across the stage at Metropolitan State College of Denver and finally received my diploma (actually the diploma cover, the diploma will come in the mail soon, I hope). It was an amazing feeling at throughout this twelve year journey, I often wondered if this day would actually come. It feels amazing to finish something I set out to do so many years ago.
So, what's next? This fall everything I have been working towards will be tested. I will walk into the lives of hundreds of high school students as I begin my student teaching. I have to be honest, I am so very frightened, but not in a bad way. I can't stop thinking about it. It's usually the thing I fall asleep thinking about. I want to teach so bad and I'm looking forward to this amazing opportunity at an amazing school. I feel ready, however, know I still have so much work to do. I know I will learn a lot about myself through this journey and I look forward to the ride.
Since graduating three weeks ago, many people have asked me why I have chosen teaching as a profession. It seems so cliche, but I truly feel that teaching is a way that I can contribute to this country's future. I observe what's going on around the world in many different ways. People in general are fascinating to me. It is so interesting to think about the everyday choices we as individuals make. As a teacher, I not only want to instill a passion for reading and learning in my students, but I also want them to begin to discover how important it is to reflect on the choices we make often. I hope that I am a good model to my students and my children on what insights reflection can bring us.
I am sure any one who is reading this is wondering what this has to do with this particular blog. Let me explain...
As my teaching journey begins, I know there is still so much for me to learn and practice. One thing that I know needs work is my writing. I have always wanted to be a good writer and I have been so effected by good writers. For this reason I have decided that it was important for me as an educator of writing to start this blog up again. When this blog began it was intended to be a place where I can share my love for books and everything reading. While this will still be its main focus, I also want this blog to be a place where I can share my reflections on teaching, parenting, inspiring, and just living in general. I think it will be important for myself to have this place that I know is mine where I can share what I am going through with the world (or the few of you who actually read this blog). The next seven months are going to challenging but I know they will also be so fulfilling. I am excited to share it all with you.
It's Monday 3/3! What Are You Reading?
1 week ago
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